Unley High School
Unley High School is a comprehensive secondary school with a history and tradition dating to 1910. We have a proud record of academic success, sporting involvement, student well-being and connection with families.
Our School Values are Excellence, Respect, Diversity and Community. We promote co‐operative working relationships between all members of the school community and encourage parents as partners in student learning.
The Unley High School Community actively promotes a school ethos whereby its students will:
- pursue excellence in all areas
- understand and practise ethical behaviour, and accept responsibility for their actions
- be confident in themselves and actively care for their own health
- treat people with respect, and respect the diversity of identity, background, culture and belief that characterises our society
- value and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and culture
- play a positive role in school, local and global communities
- care for the environment, and respond in an informed way to challenges faced in Australia and globally.
As part of our excellent curriculum offerings, UHS is a Special Interest school for Rowing and French. Both the Rowing and the French Bilingual/Binational Programs are offered in Year 7 through to Year 10. Entry requirements apply to each program.
Our LINK Program supports students with a physical disability to access the mainstream curriculum. LINK staff assist students in all areas of their education to reach their potential at school and beyond.
The School’s International Student Program educates more than 90 students, mostly from China, Germany, India, Japan, Korea and Vietnam. Demand is high.
Events to support extra-curricular activities include interstate sporting trips, Year 9 ski trip, Year 7 camp, Rowing camps and Art exhibitions, as well as Language and cultural trips and community work. The school offers competitive sports for students in weekly programs including badminton, basketball, cricket, football, indoor soccer, soccer, table tennis, touch and volleyball. The school has local, club, state and national involvement across choir, concert band, ensembles, school musical, debating, chess, IBM and Westpac Maths competitions, public speaking, Oliphant Science Awards, National Chemistry Competitions, the Duke of Edinburgh scheme and Air Force Cadets.