Term 1 Parent Teacher Interviews will be held online via Microsoft Teams and not at school from 11:00am to 7:00pm on Wednesday 2 April.

Our Daymap booking system is now open and available for families to book interview times. To book your interview times please visit the Daymap parent portal and follow the instructions below.

Daymap Set Up Instructions for new Logins.

Using Daymap for Bookings:

  •  An interview event will appear for each child on the Home tab of the Daymap Connect Parent Portal. Click on the interview event to enter interview bookings for teachers.

  • Select any of the green coloured boxes to book an interview. Select Save to confirm booking.

  • Booked time slots will appear as blue coloured boxes.

  • To cancel the interview, click on the booked time slot. Select Cancel Interview to confirm cancellation.

  • Select Agenda to view a summary of all bookings, and select Print if you wish to print it out.

On the interview day (Wednesday 2 April):

  • Parent Teacher Interviews will be conducted ONLINE only through Microsoft Teams and NOT AT SCHOOL.

  • Click on this link https://uhs.sa.edu.au/parent-teacher-interviews/ (please note you DO NOT need to download Microsoft Teams to access this meeting) This link also works on your phone.

  • Find the relevant teacher you are booked in with.

  • At the time of your interview (or a few minutes before) click on their teams link and Microsoft Teams will open and invite you to their online meeting.

  • You will then remain in the “virtual waiting room” until the teacher is ready to undertake the interview.

  • Complete this process for each teacher interview allocated to you.

Please note Microsoft Teams links for each staff member will only be available on this page on the day of parent teacher interviews.

If you encounter any problems with logging into Daymap please contact the school by email at dl.0797.techsupport@schools.sa.edu.au.