
Unley High School has one of the largest rowing programs in South Australia, offering rowing to over 150 students in Years 7-12 through the Unley High School Rowing Club. In addition to the School’s Fitness Centre, the Club also utilises two boatsheds for its on-water racing and training, one on the Torrens River the other at West Lakes.

As a summer sport the rowing season runs from late Term 3 to the end of Term 1 in the following year. On-water training is primarily based out of the Torrens Boatshed for Years 7-9 and from West Lakes in Years 10-12.

To complement the Unley High School Rowing Club, the School provides an opportunity for Students to extend their participation in the sport of rowing through the Health & Physical Education Rowing Class (HPE Rowing). Within the HPE Rowing classes students meet their health and physical curriculum expectations by undertaking both practical and theory lessons through the lens of rowing skill training, physical preparation, performance analysis and personal development.

HPE Rowing is offered from Year 7 through to 10, with prospective students completing a talent identification process in Year 6 to gain entry into Year 7. This is known as the Special Interest Rowing Program selection process. 

For further information regarding the Rowing Club (extracurricular sport) and HPE Rowing (curriculum) please review the relevant information and resources located in the sections below. Our recommendations are:

Please contact the Rowing Manager at dl.0797.rowing@schools.sa.edu.au to express your interest in the Rowing Club (extracurricular rowing). Students can also express their interest through the Sports Nomination Process conducted by the Sports Manager each year.

Unley High School Rowing Club

Key Resources

Blue Book

Fee Summary (2023/24)

Training Schedule (2023/24)

Regatta Schedule (2023/24)



As a summer sport the rowing season runs from late Term 3 to the end of Term 1 in the following year.

Students undertake between 1-3 on-water training sessions each week (depending on their age group). With additional fitness activities, such as work on the rowing machines (ergos), running, and strength training are highly encouraged. Training sessions for Year 7-9 Rowers are generally held at the Torrens River. With rowers in Year 10-12 generally training out of the West Lakes Boatshed.

Regattas are conducted mainly at West Lakes, although occasionally racing may be undertaken on the Torrens River, Murray Bridge, Renmark, Berri and Port Adelaide. Rowing regattas take place during Terms 4 and 1 each season, with the season culminating in the Head of the River Regatta at West Lakes in March.

Who can participate

Any student in Years 7-12 who attends Unley High School may be a part of the Unley High School Rowing Club and participate in rowing as an extracurricular activity.

Associated Fees

Participation in the Unley High School Rowing Club is charged at $350 per term (for Terms 4 and 1). This fee covers the cost of coaching and general racing fees.

HPE Rowing

Key Resources

HPE Rowing Information Booklet


To complement the Unley High School Rowing Club, the School provides an opportunity for Students to extend their participation in the sport of rowing through the Health & Physical Education Rowing Class (HPE Rowing). Within the HPE Rowing Classes students meet their health and physical curriculum expectations by undertaking both practical and theory lessons through the lens of rowing skill training, physical preparation, performance analysis and personal development.

Practical lessons are generally held out of the River Torrens Boatshed during class time.

These sessions enable students to develop their rowing knowledge and skills across all boat types (singles through to eights), as well as providing opportunities to develop coxing and coaching skills. 

Students will also engage in off-water activities developing their knowledge and understanding of using strength and conditioning environments. Students within the HPE Rowing class, while primarily focusing on rowing, will still engage in a diverse range of sports and work alongside their non-HPE Rowing peers during the year.

Within the classroom, students will study a range of theory based topics to support development of their rowing specific knowledge, enhance athlete health and wellbeing and acquire an understanding of fitness related principles. Students also utilise the SHINE curriculum to develop an understanding of Relationships and Sexual Health.

Who can participate

HPE Rowing is offered from Year 7 through to 10, with prospective students completing a talent identification process through Year 6 to gain entry into Year 7. This is  known as the Special Interest Rowing Program Selection Process.

Associated Fees

The Subject Fee applicable to the HPE Rowing Class is $600 per year for Years 7-9 (full year subject) and $300 for Year 10 (1 semester). This charge covers all compulsory elements of the course, including the cost of consumables, coaches, transport, minor equipment (repairs and replacement) etc. Students enrolled in the HPE Rowing Classes are expected to participate in Rowing as an extracurricular activity. This is attracts its own fees (refer to the section above).