Summit Program – A Pathway for High Ability Learners

Program Information

The Summit Program is an enrichment and extension program for high ability learners that runs from year 7 to 10 at Unley High School for students who are allocated to the school through the Department for Education transition process.

High ability learners require a learning environment that fosters wellbeing and learning outcomes consistent with their abilities. The learning environment should provide educational pathways and appropriately challenging enrichment, extension and acceleration experiences.

The Summit Program provides a guided and supportive educational pathway for students who have been identified as high ability learners through their academic performance, diagnostic testing and success in education. It aims to enrich and challenge students to achieve academically and personally during their secondary education. Students will be offered a differentiated and integrated curriculum that incorporates Inquiry Based Learning and enrichment options to best meet the needs of motivated students and independent learners.

The Summit Program engages in a future focused learning approach that aims to prepare students across all curriculum areas and year levels with skills and capabilities to thrive in a rapidly changing and interconnected world. The Summit Program inspires students to be leaders of their own learning and school community, through collaboration and the use of critical thinking to solve complex problems and become mindful global citizens.

Students participate in enriched programs for their four core subjects (English, humanities and social science, mathematics and science). Although some students may be more naturally inclined to particular subjects, the program offers a well rounded curriculum that provides enrichment across all learning areas.

Students in the Program are encouraged to enrol in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) for year 11 and 12.The IBDP is a comprehensive globally recognised educational framework where students engage in a challenging and rigorous academic curriculum comprising subjects from 6 groups.

Admission to the Summit Program is merit-based, considering academic performance, teacher endorsements, and diagnostic evaluations.

Year 6 students can apply for the Summit Program for the year they begin high school during the enrolment process once they have been allocated to Unley High School as part of the Department for Education placement process. Application forms are shared with all families during the enrolment process. These forms are to be submitted by the specified due date during the transition process. As part of the selection process year 6 students are required to sit the High Ability Selection Test (ACER) and undertake an interview with a Summit Program representative.

Currently enrolled students at Unley High School wishing to join the Summit Program from year 7 to 10 are required to apply using the online form (see link below). Students currently in the Summit Program do not need to reapply each semester as their enrolment in the program is ongoing.

Students are required to attach teacher recommendation(s) supporting their application, a brief statement written by the student, and any other relevant information to their application form.

Acceptance into the Summit Program for year 7 to 10 students is for currently enrolled students only and is based on the availability of positions in the current classes. Due dates for submission of applications for current Unley High School students are:

  • For year 8 to 10 entry in semester 1 – Applications are to be submitted no later than week 5, term 4 of the previous school year.
  • For year 7 to 10 entry in semester 2 – Applications are to be submitted no later than week 5, term 2 of the current school year.

Requirements as a member of the Summit Program at Unley High School

Languages Requirements:

Languages are compulsory throughout the student’s enrolment in the Summit Program. This means students are required to study their chosen language up to the end of year 10. Students can choose which language they wish to study.

Students are recommended to continue a language during their senior years of schooling. IBDP requires the study of a language. Students undertaking the IBDP can either continue French higher level (HL) or standard level (SL) or begin Spanish ab initio.

Maths Requirements:

Year 10 maths plus (pre-methods maths) is strongly recommended, in preparation for stage 1 maths methods or stage 1 specialist maths.

Students who have been recommended during the course counselling process in year 9 for stage 1 maths methods or specialist maths in year 10 do not complete year 10 maths plus. Students who accelerate in year 10 to stage 1 maths subjects are eligible depending on level of achievement to complete stage 2 subjects in year 11 and university study options in year 12.

Science Requirements:

Year 10 science plus is strongly recommended, in preparation for stage 1 physics or chemistry, or IBDP chemistry, physics or biology HL.

Students who have been recommended during the course counselling process in year 9 for stage 1 physics or stage 1 chemistry in year 10, do not complete year 10 science plus. Students who accelerate in year 10 to stage 1 science subjects are eligible depending on level of achievement to complete stage 2 subjects in year 11 and university study options in year 12.

English Requirements:

Students are required to complete their compulsory English studies to a high level of achievement. It is strongly recommended that students undertake English literature at year 11 or IBDP language A: English language and literature HL.

Humanities and Social Sciences Requirements:

Students are strongly recommended to continue at least one stage 1 humanities and social sciences subject in year 11. Humanities subjects on offer include: stage 1 business innovation, legal studies, modern history, society and culture, tourism, or IBDP history HL/SL, psychology HL/SL or environmental systems and societies SL.

Students are required to participate in the following initiatives: Australian History Competition, Simpson Prize and Australian Geography Competition.

Year 7-10 Semester 2, 2024 Summit Programs applications have now closed.